Natures Beautiful Bounty Shop

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Letter to Congressman Lucas of Oklahoma


Congressman Lucas,
                This is the first time I have written a letter to one of my elected officials and I am writing you this letter today in the hopes I can relay my concerns and fears to you on where I see this great nation heading.  I also hope that this letter does not fall on deaf ears or a cold heart, but it spurs you and the rest of Congress…..No the entire Government to do what is right, just, and true for this great nation and its people.
                As an American citizen I am disappointed in the actions of the government.  We are trillions of dollars in debt and we have pledged millions of dollars in foreign aid to other countries, $250,000,000 to Egypt is the one that currently comes to mind.  I am not opposed to helping people in need, but we need to correct our own situation first and help the people here at home.  There are people here at home that need help and are unable to get it.  Our Government cannot even develop a budget.  This is a disgrace to the American people that our Government is supposed to represent.
                The US Government is supposed to REPRESENT the citizens of this nation, but that has not been the case.  It seems the members of the US government are interested in furthering their own agendas or DICTATING to the citizenship on what they should or should not do, that is not representation that is dictatorship.  The Government officials were elected into office to REPRESENT, not DICTATE to, the people.
                Take Obama Care for example.  When it was first introduced, numerous polls showed that the American people were opposed to it and it was put into effect anyway. This is not the actions of a responsible Government that Represents the People.
                The majority of the families in this country struggle to make ends meet.  Numerous families are on welfare or receive food stamps.  Some should not need to be on those programs and some families that need the help are not accepted, WHY?  Look at our Military and First Responders and their families.  Most of the families I know or have talked to struggle to make ends meet and a lot of them are on food stamps and some cannot get the help even though they need it.  I have read statistics through the years, where a good number of military and first responder families are in the poverty level.  These men and woman put their lives on the line every day.  The military members receive no kind of pension or health benefits when they leave service.  But our elected officials receive full benefits and retirement when they leave office, even if they only served for two years.
                When a solution to a problem can’t be reached all that is heard is that the Republicans or the Democrats are to blame.  WHEN did we become the UNITED  STATES of REPUBLICANS or DEMOCRATS?  I thought we were the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, so become the AMERICANS you are supposed to be and start making decisions that are best for the citizens of this country and decisions that benefit this great country.
                This country was founded by men and women of many different backgrounds and beliefs.  They had a dream of a better life for themselves and their families.  They were able to put aside their differences to form a nation that was “For the People”.  They did not think only of themselves, but of the people of the nation they were building and they formed a strong nation that many people wanted to come to.  The Government was formed “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  So put aside your petty differences and become the Americans you are supposed to be.  Become the leaders the people of this nation expected you to be when you were elected “By the People” to office.  Stop putting your owns self-interests first and put the concerns and welfare of this nation and its people first and put God first and foremost in every decision you make, as that was what this country was truly founded on.
                Items that need to take precedence are the deficit, the budget, and the economy.  It is difficult to correct any of the above areas when we are giving financial aid to other countries and we can’t even balance our own budget.  A way to correct the deficit is to reduce government spending.  I know that has been said by many people on numerous occasions, but it need to be done. 
                To simulate the economy you need to give the people more of the money they have earned.  With the cost of the basic essentials, it makes it difficult for a family to just make ends meet.  One way this can be done is by lowering taxes.  If government spending is cut then that eliminates the need for additional taxes.  The government needs to learn to live within its means just as any person or family needs to.
                A way to help balance the budget and also help cut into the deficit is to reduce the pay of the Executive branch, Congress, the Senate, and the House by at least 50%.  I know this will not be popular with the elected officials, but look at the numbers.  Members of Congress minimum salary is roughly four times what the average American family makes and the Executive branch  is even more.  Also eliminate the automatic pension that each office receives when they leave office.  No other job or career has that type of benefit.  It should be based on amount of time served.  Eliminate or reduce the health care package that is received after service.  Eliminate the ability to vote for your own raises.  There is no other position known that can do that.
                The American people are getting tired of the way the Government is running this country and the way they are running it into the ground.  Eventually the American people will get fed up and demand a change.  The tighter to try to squeeze the more respect will slip through your fingers.
                I was once told, “If someone has the wrong perception of you, then you need to change the perception.”  Right now the perception is that the US Government is not concerned about its people, only themselves.  Whether this perception is right or wrong is not for me to say, but it is up to each member of the government to change to perception.  The American people are tired of the lies that we have been told and are starting to see through those lies.  The Government needs to wake up and see that the people of this nation are tired of what is going on and want a change.  WE challenge YOU to step up and start the change for the better.
                I have recently read that the Government is planning to lay off 6000 civilian employees.  Why would the Government do this?  Why are you starting at the bottom trying to cut expenses, when that is where the least amount of money is at?  Why not start at the top and work down.  Start with the contractors.  There are a lot of areas to start than at the bottom where the everyday working person is at.

                “Look inwards for what is right and not outwards!” 

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